Wild Orange Wild Orange (Citrus sinensis) essential oil is one of my favorites! Although regular orange oil can be readily found, wild orange is said to have stronger properties. It's aroma is citrusy and very sweet. I diffuse it to purify the air. For internal benefits, I add 1-2 drops in a glass of water for digestive and immune support (high in antioxidants).
Cold pressed from the peel, Wild Orange is often used for its energizing aroma and multiple health benefits. High in monoterpenes, Wild Orange possesses stimulating and purifying qualities, making it ideal to enhance immunity when seasonal threats are high. It can be taken daily to cleanse the body or used on surfaces as a natural cleaner. Diffusing Wild Orange will energize and uplift the mind and body while purifying the air.
• Powerful cleanser and purifying agent • Protects against seasonal and environmental threats* • High in antioxidants • Uplifting to the mind and body
• Use in an all-purpose spray to cleanse and purify surfaces.
• Add a drop to your water every day for a burst of flavor and to promote overall health.
• Diffuse to uplift mood and energy levels and to freshen the air.
• Energize the mind and body. Dispense one to two drops in the palm of your hand along with equal parts Peppermint and Frankincense. Rub palms together and inhale deeply from palms, then rub on the back of neck.
APPLICATION Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.
CAUTION: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.
IMPORTANT NOTE ON QUALITY The information provided here on the properties and uses of essential oils do NOT apply to all essential oil brands. Because of lenient industry standards and a lack of regulation on terms such as "natural" or "pure", much of what you find at the drug store is not a therapeutic grade of essential oil and may lack real quality or even contain contaminants.
The Best Essential Oil Brands follow these guidelines:
1) Proper plant varieties 2) Grown in their indigenous region around the world 3) Grown without chemical pesticides, herbicides, etc 4) Harvested with precise timing to ensure peak properties 5) Extracted with proper temp and pressure to preserve oil molecules 6) Third-party testing of each and every batch 7) Stand behind the internal use of their oils
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.